• 12 Jan 2021 1:46 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    IPOS is now accepting nominations from active members to be on the Board of Directors. Individuals with a current “Active” membership from across the globe are encouraged to submit nominations for the volunteer Board positions noted below. Individuals with an “Early Career” membership are encouraged to submit for the Early Career Director position.

    The following positions are open for nomination:

    1.     One Vice-President position

    2.     One Secretary position

    3.     One Treasurer position

    4.     Seven individual Director positions:

    • One or more Directors from Eastern Europe, India, Russia or Africa.
    • One or more Directors from Asia/Pacific.
    • One or more Directors from North America.
    • One or more Directors from Northern Europe, Western Europe or the United Kingdom.
    • One or more Directors from Latin or Central America.
    • One Early Career Director.

    Important items to note about the positions open for nomination:

    • Current and in-coming board members are required to attend the annual IPOS World Congress for 2021, 2022 and 2023 at their own expense.
    • Board members are required to co-chair one or more IPOS committees/special interest groups. Details on committees/special interest groups can be found by going to https://ipos-society.org/about/sigs.
    • To seek nomination for the office of Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the IPOS Board of Directors.
    • For individuals considering submitting for Vice-President, please note the succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice-President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years.
    • A Director can serve in the role of Secretary or Treasurer for a maximum of two terms after which they must be elected to the role of Vice-President to remain on the Board.
    • For the Early Career Position, individuals can only hold this position for one term of two years. For those submitting a nomination for this position, the individual must have an “Early Career” type of membership with IPOS.

    Important Nomination and Election Timelines:

    • Release of call for nominations: January 12, 2021
    • Nomination Deadline – March 1, 2021
    • Ballots to be issued to all voting members – March 20, 2021
    • Voting Closes – April 6, 2021
    • June 2021 – IPOS Virtual Annual General Meeting (new board confirmed).

    Helpful Links:

    NEW in 2021!
    We’ve made the nomination process much easier. Nominations are to be submitted online by March 1, 2021.

    Submit your nomination by going to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IPOSNomination2021

    Before submitting your nomination online, you must have the following ready to submit:

    1.     Decide which position you wish to seek nomination for:

                    i.         Vice-President

                   ii.         Secretary

                  iii.         Treasurer

                 iv.         One of the seven Director positions

    2.     Name and email address of one ACTIVE member that has offered to support your nomination.

    3.     Point form highlights of your experience with IPOS.

    4.     Current Biography - brief 100 to 200 words maximum.

    5.     Candidate Statement - outline of why you want to serve on the IPOS board and your election platform. 100 to 300 words maximum.

    6.     Email a jpg photo of yourself within 48 hours of submitting your nomination online to [email protected].

    Items 3 to 6 above will be used in the Election package issued to all current eligible voting IPOS members on March 20, 2021.


    Vice-President (President- Elect):

    The Vice-President is the President Elect. This position involves a six-year commitment to the IPOS Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice-President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years. To seek nomination for the office of Vice-President the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.


    This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee. IPOS employs a management company to handle everyday financial and accounting reporting. The Treasurer works with the management company to ensure records are maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements. They shall make recommendations regarding budget and provide periodic finance reports to the Executive Committee and to the Board of Directors. When it deems such action to be desirable, it shall also make recommendations regarding the Society’s financial policy. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for confirming the counting of votes in the mail ballots used in elections. To seek nomination for the office of Treasurer the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.


    This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee. IPOS employs a management company to handle everyday secretarial and compliance reporting. The Secretary also works with the management company to ensure records are maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements. To seek nomination for the office of Secretary the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.

    Six Individual Directors:

    Each position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors. Directors shall reflect an international and multidisciplinary composition and function as the governing body of the Society. The primary responsibility of the Directors shall be to establish the policies of the Society. The Directors shall also monitor the activities of the Society to ensure compliance with, and progress toward the achievement of, those policies. The IPOS Constitution allows the Board to work towards ensuring appropriate geographical representation.

    One Early Career Director:

    This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and can only be held by a Early Career member. The Early Career Director role is to ensure the interests of career professional’s interest are advanced. In the event that during their elected term, they transition to Active Member status, as per Article III Section 5 of this bylaw, they shall continue to complete the remainder of their elected term. No one member shall hold the position of Early Career Director for more than one term.


    1.     The primary language IPOS operates in is English.

    2.     The Board of Directors meet at a minimum every six months with all Directors expected to participate. Meetings are held via Zoom/Google hangouts, with at least one meeting being in person. IPOS does not reimburse costs for attending or participating in meetings.

    3.     The Executive Committee meets as the need arises via zoom/Google hangouts.

    4.     Both the Board of Directors and Executive Committee are expected to closely monitor the activities of the Society and provide support as needed.

    5.     Elected individuals are required to attend in person the Board meetings held in conjunction with the World Congress in 2021, 2022 and 2023, unless the World Congress is held virtually.”

    6.     All Board of Directors and Executive Committee members are expected to co-chair on a minimum of one IPOS committee (https://www.ipos-society.org/about/sigs).

    7.     Familiarity with the Society’s Constitution and Organization Structure is required: https://www.ipos-society.org/about/organization.

    8.     The IPOS Board is considered a “working” Board, which requires directors to take on responsibilities beyond board meetings. This may include, but not limited to, supporting committee initiatives, working on agreed upon special projects, special initiatives and outreach to other organizations to further the IPOS mandate.

    Questions/Comments? Please direct them to [email protected]

  • 14 Dec 2020 3:27 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    A Message from IPOS President, Dr. Jane Turner.

    On behalf of the IPOS management and Board we wish all good tidings for the holiday season. The IPOS office will be closed on December 24, 2020 and will reopen on January 4, 2021. Please note the IPOS office will not have access to phone, fax or email while closed for the holidays. We will do our best to respond to all messages within two business days of the office reopening. Also note many of our Board members will not have access to email over the holidays.

    Over the holidays, members and non-members will still be able to purchase recordings of many of our events online while the office is closed. The email confirmation/receipt issued after purchase will provide the link to access the recordings. Membership Applications and Renewals can also be submitted securely online over the holidays. 
    Best wishes for a safe holiday season.

  • 1 Dec 2020 11:16 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    The recent COVID-19 crisis is causing significant issues and concerns for health care providers. This survey is intended to understand how are you managing your practice during this pandemic.

    All answers are will be used anonymously and will be analyzed according to scientific standards.

    None of your personal data will be revealed or used other than to calculate statistics.

    Who should complete this survey?

    This survey is for any psychosocial provider working in Low- Middle- Income Countries (LMIC)

    How to complete the survey?

    This survey may take 10 minutes. Please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MGW5T5Q

    Who to contact with questions?

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Cristiane Bergerot, PhD, [email protected] or Tania Estape, PhD, [email protected]

    Thank you for your support!

    The e-health SIG of IPOS

  • 30 Nov 2020 9:48 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    IPOS Members receive 10% off until January 18, 2021 on the below courses with coupon code.

    1. Sexual Health in Cancer Part 1 (IPODE)

    2. Advanced Pain Assessment and Management

    Sexual Health in Cancer Part 1 (IPODE) - Sexual concerns are one of the most common cancer survivorship issues, yet they are the least likely to be discussed. Learn skills in assessment and counseling for common sexual health issues in cancer care. Enroll by January 4, 2021, course starts on January 11, 2021. Offered in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology.

    Visit the Sexual Health in Cancer course webpage for additional details, including online classroom dates.


    Advanced Pain Assessment and Management
     - This course is designed for participants who are already familiar with the World Health Organization (WHO) ladder for pain management.  Participants will learn the pathophysiology of cancer pain, cancer pain syndromes, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for intractable pain in palliation and how to conduct educational and advocacy work. Enroll by January 18, 2021, course starts on January 25, 2021.
    Visit the Advanced Pain Assessment and Management website for additional details.
    Please email the IPOS office to request the coupon code.

  • 25 Nov 2020 10:54 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Hear from Prof Nick Hulbert-Williams by clicking this image.

    The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice is proud to be working with IPOS to offer a mentorship programme for researchers in the early stages of their careers who are looking to hone their skills as peer reviewers. This scheme teams Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with seasoned reviewers and members of the journal’s Editorial Board to develop the ECR’s skill set to become valued participants in the peer review community.

    To be considered as an applicant for this programme, you must:

    • Be a current member of IPOS for 2021, either as a Member-in-training (student) or a psycho-oncology professional who is within three years of his/her ultimate degree and is a practicing professional.
    • Be enrolled in, or have recently completed, a graduate-level program in an appropriate area of study (e.g. medicine, psychology, nursing/allied health, social work, epidemiology, public health; other fields may be approved based on rationale you provide)
    • Complete the basic peer-review training course offered by the Publisher

    You will work with an assigned mentor (usually a current member of the JPORP Editorial Board) to do two co-reviews. Any queries related to this scheme can be directed to Prof Nick Hulbert-Williams, one of the Journal Associate Editors. ECRs who complete this training programme will be added to the list of approved reviewers for the journal, and will be provided with a certificate of completion.

    If you are not currently registered as an IPOS Member-in-training (student) or an Early Career Psycho-Oncology Professional, please visit www.ipos-society.org/membership/ for membership information.

    To apply to be part of the ECR Reviewer Training Programme, please download and fill in the application form, which can be found here, and email it to the journal Senior Publisher, Tarryn Greenberg. Spaces are limited and available on a first-come-first-serve basis, so there will likely be a wait before you are asked to participate in a review.

  • 6 Nov 2020 1:04 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Dear FORwards members, 

    Please find below the Autumn updates from the FORwards community. 

    Successful launch of the FORwards Webinar Series…

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    We are thrilled to share that the launch of the Fear of Recurrence Webinar Series was a great success. The first webinar on the social context of fear of cancer recurrence was held on 22nd September 2020 and had over 70 attendees. Thank you to our speakers and to all the clinicians, researchers, and individuals with lived experience who tuned in and engaged in an active Q&A at the end. The full recording is now available through the IPOS website and is free to current IPOS members or $15 USD to non-members: https://www.ipos-society.org/webcasts

    …and save the date for the next Webinar: 8th December 2020

    The second webinar in the series will be held on 8th December 2020 (note: 9th December in Australia/NZ) and is entitled ‘A burden shared: group-based interventions for fear of cancer recurrence’. We have a lineup of four fantastic speakers: Dr. Mia Skytte O’Toole, Drs. Christine Maheu and Sophie Lebel, and Dr. Marije van der Lee. Of note, this webinar will be in a Europe-friendly time zone. Please watch your inboxes for a full invitation, timing information, and a link to register.

    Looking for international collaborators?

    Are you seeking international collaborators for a research project on fear of cancer recurrence? Perhaps you are looking to validate a new FCR measure in a different language, to expand your clinical trial oversees, or simply to boost your sample size? We can share your collaboration request with the FORwards community. Please send an email to [email protected] and we will forward your email to the FORwards mailing list.

    Attention PIs & supervisors – FCR research project looking for a home

    FORwards has identified a need for the development and publication of a set of Core Outcome Domains and Measures for Fear of Cancer Recurrence/Progression Studies and Clinical Trials. The development of these core outcome domains could follow a similar structure as this influential paper published in the field of pediatric pain. This project would be ideal for a funded PhD student or postdoc who is looking to lead an important project and to get better connected with the FCR community. The FORwards leadership team cannot provide funding but can support this project through connecting the research team with international experts for the purposes of collaboration and a Delphi study. PIs - please contact [email protected] if you are interested in taking on this project.    

    FCR Research

    FORwards members have been hard at work publishing new papers on fear of cancer recurrence and progression over the last few months. Below is a selection of new papers of interest to our SIG members. 

    If you would like to include an update in the Winter newsletter, or know a student or colleague who would like to join this SIG, please reach out to Lauren Heathcote (FORwards Secretary) at [email protected]

    Thank you all for the phenomenal work that you do to support people living with and beyond cancer.

    Kind regards,

    Your FORwards committee

    Chair: Ben Smith

    Deputy Chair: Marije van der Lee

    Secretary: Lauren Heathcote

    Early Career Rep: Brittany Mustaers


  • 27 Oct 2020 10:09 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Communication skills training for healthcare providers caring for older adults with cancer mskcc.org/aging

    Date & Location

    Thursday, December 3, 2020, 8:00 AM - Friday, December 4, 2020, 5:00 PM, Online, (EST), New York, NY


    Specialties - Behavioral Care, General and Family Practice, Geriatric Medicine, Hematology, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Hospitalist, Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities, Integrative Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing, Oncology and Hematology, Physician Assistant, Social Work


  • 26 Oct 2020 1:25 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    We have been monitoring the progression of COVID-19 globally and have considered all aspects and impacts on the 22nd IPOS World Congress. The safety and health of participants are our first priority. Given the circumstances, it has been decided the 22nd World Congress of Psycho-Oncology & Psychosocial Academy will be 100% VIRTUAL. The dates/schedule will remain the same.

    What does this mean for you?

    • MORE AFFORDABLE! THE Congress pricing is being adjusted to reflect the virtual experience. The fees are being lowered. Plus, you get to avoid any travel/accommodation expenses!
    • MORE ACCESSIBLE! WATCH FROM ANYWHERE YOU WANT! Your home, office, park or favorite spot! Get comfortable and participate from wherever you want – you just need to make sure you have strong internet connection.
    • MISS NOTHING – WATCH IT ALL! When in person, registrants have to select which sessions to watch – often missing other sessions happening at the same time. Being virtual, all will be recorded and made available. YOU CAN WATCH AND LEARN FROM IT ALL!
    • STAY SAFE – No need to worry about being in a large room in close proximity to other attendees.
    • CONNECT VIRTUALLY – you will still have the opportunity to connect virtually with participants from around the world!

    Congress Schedule

    • Wednesday May 26th 2021: IPOS Academy Workshops
    • Thursday May 27th 2021: IPOS 2021 Day1
    • Friday May 28th 2021: IPOS 2021 Day2
    • Saturday May 29th 2021: IPOS 2021 Day3

    Congress Sessions

    • The majority of sessions will be pre-recorded and be released for reviewing by registrants starting on the 26th.
    • Several LIVE sessions will be available and be held between the days of May 26th-29th. The agenda will note the date/times of each live session.
    • In February/March, details on how to join the LIVE sessions will be included in the program. Be sure to watch for.

    Academy Workshops

    Most of the approved workshops will be offered live and virtually. To attend Workshops, you must register for 10,000 JPN. New changes about the workshop program and how to attend will be updated in November-December. Please follow up on the workshop page.

    Call for Workshop Proposals from October 22nd to November 5th, 2020
    Please read https://ipos2020.com/ipos2021/workshops/ before signing up.

    Congress Programs

    Recorded sessions will be released starting on May 26th and be available for viewing by registrants until August 31, 2021. The secretariat will contact presenters about recording with the guidelines being sent to presenters in January.

    • All Oral and Poster sessions will be self-recorded. Recordings are to be submitted to the Congress secretariat from February 1 to March, 31 2021.
    • Concurrent sessions (Symposia and Awards) will be mainly pre-recorded.
    • Questions from participants will be accepted for one week after the congress (TBC), then answers from presenters will be on the streaming website.
    • Plenaries will be LIVE, however sessions may be pre-recorded and only Q&A will be on LIVE. (TBC) Program details will be updated on the IPOS 2021 website in February-March, 2021.

    Call for New Abstracts & Edit Approved Abstract by December 1st, 2020
    Please see abstract details at https://ipos2020.com/ipos2021/abstracts/


    • Congress pricing is being adjusted now that we are going 100% virtual. The new fees are LOWER.
    • Individual registration is still required. There is no sharing of registrations.
    • The registration form will be closed temporarily for updating from October 21st to 31st.
    • Those that are fully paid registrants and registered on or before October 21st will have their registrations held, but will have a refund processed for the difference in the registration fee.
    • Registration will reopen with the new pricing on November 1st, 2020.
    • Online participation fee per person will be 35,000 JPY for regular and 15,000 JPY for LMIC.
    • Once you pay the registration fee, access to view all the sessions will commence once the program is ready - except Workshops as they are purchased separately.
    • Post Conference will have the option to purchase access to the Congress recordings starting May 30 to June 30, 2021. Prices are the same as above.
    • Please note that only fully paid registrants will be able to access the website from a user page at the registration form.

    Questions for Presenters
    Questions will be accepted for ONE WEEK (TBC) after the congress. Presenters will select specific questions and respond to them directly on their streaming page. Please note about LIVE sessions that questions after the LIVE streaming will not be accepted.

    Workshops are being offered for 10,000JPY. There will be pre-recorded and LIVE workshops depending on organizers. The program will be updated November-December to confirm. Once you pay fully, you can join all the workshops. *Note that ECPP Workshop will be opened for all participants for free.

  • 25 Sep 2020 11:49 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    IPOS has recently established a Palliative Care Special Interest Group (SIG). The aims of the Palliative Care Special Interest Group (SIG) are to:

    • Provide a professional network for members with an interest in psychosocial aspects of palliative care
    • Foster links with researchers and clinicians from the broad range of disciplines working in the area of palliative care to promote psychosocial care as a core component of quality palliative care
    • Facilitate discussion about initiatives to enhance psychosocial knowledge and skills of health professionals working in palliative care
    • Facilitate discussion about research initiatives and foster research collaborations (in coordination with the IPOS Research Committee)
    • Disseminate information about educational opportunities (including web-based resources or focused training), workshops or conferences, develop focused educational initiatives (in collaboration with the IPOS Education Committee) and contribute to the scientific program of the IPOS World Congress as appropriate

    We are now calling for expressions of interest / members. To be eligible, you must be a member of IPOS, or be willing to join. Associate memberships are available with reduced rates for those in lower and middle-income countries. Memberships obtained in 2020 will be valid until the end of 2021.

    Work of the SIG will be shaped by the membership, though we anticipate initial work will include:

    • Establishing a section of the IPOS website that will contain: guidance regarding the psychosocial aspects of palliative care for patients and caregivers; professional psychosocial education relevant to palliative care; information about research gaps and priorities; profiles of current IPOS members active in palliative care research and psychosocial care as a core component of palliative care; resources about the psychosocial aspects of palliative care  for patients and carers, available in multiple languages
    • Collating information from SIG members regarding their current clinical practice, educational and research activity, relating to the psychosocial aspects of palliative care
    • Facilitating research collaborations in topics relating to the psychosocial dimensions of palliative care
    • Considering the development of position statements and resource-stratified guidelines relating to psychosocial care as a core component of palliative care

    Please complete a simple form by October 15 to register your interest by going to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/palliativecaresig

    I hope we’ll have our first Zoom meeting in within the next two months.  Hope to see you then .

    Best wishes,

    Gary Rodin
    Chair, IPOS Palliative Care Special interest Group (SIG)

  • 31 Aug 2020 1:36 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)
    • The 2020 IPOS Members meeting has been scheduled for November 4, 2020 at 8 a.m. EDT (New York/Toronto). Verify your time zone by going to https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html.

      This year, the AGM will be held via Zoom. Access information will be included in registrant confirmation.

      Advance copy of the meeting materials will be emailed to all registrants closer to the date of the AGM. They will include: 

    • Annual Meeting Agenda
    • 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes
    • 2019 Financial Report
    • 2019 Membership Report

    This is not an election year as the board was approved last year for a two-year term. For information on your current board of directors, please go to https://ipos-society.org/about/board

    Please note that only current members of IPOS can register/participate. We need a quorum of at least 124 voting members (either in person or by proxy) in order to proceed. Of our members, only individuals holding an “Active” or “Early Career” membership can vote.


    To review the IPOS Constitution, please go to https://ipos-society.org/about/organization

International Psycho-Oncology Society
1 - 189 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite L296
New York, NY 10001

T: +1 416-968-0260
[email protected]

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© 2025 International Psycho-Oncology Society 

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