IPOS Special Interest Group – E-Health & AI

This special interest groups is focused on exploring and advancing E-health activities that relate to psychosocial oncology.

Interested in volunteering with this special interest group? IPOS members can submit their interest in volunteering by emailing [email protected].

Committee members:

CO-CHAIR: Claire Foster (United Kingdom), is Professor of Psychosocial Oncology and Director of the Macmillan Survivorship Research Group, University of Southampton, UK. Claire’s research focuses on understanding the impact of cancer and its treatment on everyday lives through large UK wide prospective cohort studies (CREW; HORIZONS) inviting patients to complete a questionnaire before treatment begins and at regular intervals in the months and years following diagnosis. Her team are also developing and testing resources to support decision making and self-management of consequences of cancer and its treatment. She has lead the development of online decision aids to support young women with breast cancer facing decisions about surgery and genetic testing at diagnosis (Breast Cancer Choices), and an online decision aid to support cancer survivors (all cancers) living with cancer related fatigue (RESTORE). The team are in the process of planning new web-based resources informed by their CREW colorectal cancer cohort study to support colorectal cancer survivors to self-manage the consequences following treatment. For more information about the research group visit www.soton.ac.uk/msrg and www.horizons-hub.org.uk 

Experience with Ehealth and AI:

  • In the Centre for Psychosocial Research in Cancer: CentRIC that I lead at the University of Southampton, UK we have developed a number of digital resources to support self-management (RESTORE; CanEMPOWER) and decision making in the context of genetic risk (Breast Cancer Choices; Lynch Choices)


  1. Digital intervention (Renewed) to support symptom management, wellbeing, and quality of life among cancer survivors in primary care: a randomised controlled trial
  2. Protocol for Lynch Choices development: using implementation science and codesign to create a clinically deliverable patient decision aid website to transform cancer genetics …
  3. Codesign of Lynch ChoicesTM: Using implementation science to create a clinically deliverable patient decision support website to transform cancer genetics care …
  4. ‘A good decision is the one that feels right for me’: Codesign with patients to inform theoretical underpinning of a decision aid website
  5. Experiences of using a supported digital intervention for cancer survivors in primary care: a qualitative process evaluation
  6. A randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention (Renewed) to support symptom management, wellbeing and quality of life in cancer survivors
  7. Person-based co-design of a decision aid template for people with a genetic predisposition to cancer
  8. Renewed: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention to support quality of life in cancer survivors
  9. Development of Breast Cancer Choices: a decision support tool for young women with breast cancer deciding whether to have genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations
  10. A web-based intervention (RESTORE) to support self-management of cancer-related fatigue following primary cancer treatment: a multi-centre proof of concept randomised …
  11. Development of ‘gastrostomy tube–is it for me?’, a web-based patient decision aid for people living with motor neurone disease considering having a gastrostomy tube placed
  12. Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study)

CO-CHAIR: Tania Estapé, PhD. (Spain), is a clinical psychologist leading the Psychosocial Oncology Department in FEFOC Foundation (www.fefoc.org) in Barcelona, Spain, focused mainly on Breast (www.cancermama.org), prostate (www.cancerdeprostata.org), elderly (www.mayoressincancer.org) and relatives of cancer patients (www.familiaycancer.org), doing online and presential work. She leads individual and group therapy and some research programs, finishing now a clinical trial to find the best tool to improve knowledge and attitudes in old people towards cancer, with the inclusion of an e-health tool on the internet. She has published some works on psychological assessment of cancer patients via the internet. She is associate professor of Psychology in Open University of Catalonia, and of Health Sciences in Central University of Catalonia, and co-director of the Master on Psycho-oncology in Barcelona University.

Experience with Ehealth and AI:

  • Distress assessment in breast cancer patients via internet
  • Working on a tool to promote healthy lyfestyles and knowledge on cancer in old people
  • Participating in an app to improve prostate cancer patients communication with doctors and leading the focus group to implement it
  • Participating in a study on use of ehealth resources in cancer care professionals from LMI countries during COVID 19
  • Leading a special issue on Digital health in Psychooncology Journal (with Elliot Coups, sadly decesead)
  • Leading a special issue on dogotal health in Cancer in Frontiers (with Anne Singleton)
  • Working now in a research on AI acceptability in cancer patients to measure their emotions by voice, and face
  • Use of telehealth in latinos with cancer


  1. Singleton, A. C., Estapé, T., Ee, C., Hyun, K. K., & Partridge, S. R. (2023). Digital health quality, acceptability, and cost: steps to effective continuity of cancer care. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5, 1264638.
  2. Ruda‐Santolaria, L., Bergerot, C., Hernandez, J., Pena, C., Montana, M. F., Galindo‐Vazquez, O., ... & Costas‐Muniz, R. (2023). Use of telehealth for psychosocial oncology: A mixed methods study about barriers to and opportunities with Latino patients from Latin America, Spain, and the United States. Psycho‐Oncology, 32(8), 1289-1297.
  3. Estapé, T., Phillip, E. J., & Bergerot, C. D. (2021). Use of telehealth and eHealth technologies in patient care by psycho‐oncology service providers in low–middle‐income countries during the COVID‐19. Psycho-oncology, 31(2), 334.
  4. Estapé, T., & Coups, E. J. (2020). Special issue on eHealth innovations and psycho-oncology. Psychooncology, 29(1), 4-5.
  5. Estapé, T., Rodriguez, J. E., Pastor, S. S., & Díez, A. (2014). Uso de internet para evaluar el distrés psicológico en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología, 11(2), 271-283.

Alan Bates Dr. Alan Bates

 finished a PhD focused on neuroimaging at the University of Nottingham before completing his MD and Psychiatry residency at the University of British Columbia. He then completed a fellowship in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psycho-oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre. Dr. Bates has published peer-reviewed articles on topics ranging from brain imaging and artificial intelligence to psychotherapy and palliative care. He received the 2018 Canadian Psychiatric Association Early Career Achievement in Psychiatry Award and his volunteer work has been recognized through a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and participation in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay. He is the provincial Program Medical Director for Supportive Care at BC Cancer, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UBC, and a past president of the British Columbia Psychiatric Association.


  1. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2801709
  2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-024-00495-x

Marije van der Lee

Prof. Dr. Marije van der Lee holds an endowed chair in Psycho-Oncology at Tilburg University, department Clinical and Medical Psychology. She works as Head of the scientific research department and is part of the management team of the Helen Dowling Institute (HDI) and provides patient care as a registered Health psychologist. Her research line in clinical psycho-oncology focuses on the effect of (e-)interventions, and a better understanding of how interventions work and what intervention works best for whom. She developed  two online therapy programs which were successfully implemented. She aims at personalizing clinical psycho-oncology interventions.

Experience with Ehealth and AI:

  • I work a lot with our online MBCT program for cancer related fatigue in practice and researched this and another online program for FCR in primary care. I’m working on development of JITAIs, but this will, if all goes well, start next year June.
  1. A web-based mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for couples dealing with chronic cancer-related fatigue: Protocol for a single-arm pilot trial
  2. Effectiveness of a guided online primary care intervention for fear of cancer recurrence: A randomised controlled trial
  3. Effectiveness of the online acceptance and commitment therapy intervention “embrace pain” for cancer survivors with chronic painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  4. Patient preference attributes in eHealth interventions for cancer related fatigue: A scoping review
  5. Using smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment and personalized feedback for patients with chronic cancer-related fatigue: A proof-of-concept study
  6. Bridging the distance: Continuing psycho‐oncological care via video‐consults during the COVID‐19 pandemic
  7. Cost‐utility of individual internet‐based and face‐to‐face Mindfulness‐Based Cognitive Therapy compared with treatment as usual in reducing psychological distress in cancer patients

Adrian Pogacian

Adrian Pogacian, MS Psychology, clinical psychologist with executive education in Psycho-oncology, holding a degree in Global Health Diplomacy from Geneva Graduate Institute.

Currently, researcher and associate lecturer with focus on Impact of Cancer Diagnosis on Couples and Families, Communication in Cancer Care and Posttraumatic Growth. His expertise is on Coping with Cancer and managing Fear of Recurrence.

Additionally, Founder of INCKA Psycho-oncology Center, Host of Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis Interview Series as well as Writer and Host Content in Psycho-oncology at OncoDaily.com, co-author of the first Romanian Multimodal Care Guideline in Pediatric Onco-hematology, active contributor to the International Psycho-oncology Society, presently IPOS Fear of Cancer Recurrence SIG member and IPOS Early Career Professionals in Psycho-Oncology Committee founder member.

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