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You are being invited to participate in this brief on-line (digital) 15-minutes survey if you are a physician or nurse delivering care to cancer patients in an African hospital or clinic. Your participation will help inform guidelines on how to improve delivering a cancer diagnosis and other serious news to patients and family members in Africa.
You will find the 15-minute survey on the following website:
We thank you for your valuable collaboration! Apart from completing the questionnaire, we ask that you forward it to all of your colleagues physicians and nurses working in oncology in Africa so we can get a representative sample of respondents.
The Armenian Psycho-Oncology Association, with the support of Open Society Foundations-Armenia, organized a two-day interdisciplinary conference “Pain Management In Palliative Care: Applying Sector Reforms in Armenia” on June 7-8, 2019. The conference was organized with the co-sponsorship of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) and Worldwide Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance and holds the status of the first IPOS Academy in Armenia. #iposinarmenia
Day 1 of the Conference on Pain Management in Palliative Care - Applying Sector Reforms in Armenia, in Yerevan, Armenia. The Head of the MoH Healthcare Policy Department presents a firm commitment to expand palliative care in the region. Dr. Melissa Henry presented research data supporting the integration of psycho-oncology and multidisciplinary care in addressing pain along the continuum of cancer care.
Day 2 of the conference in Yerevan, Armenia, dedicated to an IPOS Training Academy on Motivational Interviewing to build a solid therapeutic alliance and overcome resistance in oncology. A special thanks to Dr. Rachel Green for her inspiring seminar, it was great to Chair this with you! May we strive to build a better healthcare for all. #iposinArmenia
Thank you for all your support in helping IPOS grow to record level of members around the world AGAIN! We continually look for new and innovative ways to add member value, and appreciate the ideas and suggestions submitted to us. We are listening! Continue to submit your suggestions to [email protected].
We now have had members in exactly 99 countries around the world and are now working to serve almost 600 members internationally. If you are not already, you can still be part of our networking for 2019. Find out more by going to
The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) and the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) are pleased to receive the support of Bell Let’s Talk for this year’s 21st annual World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. The Congress will take place this year in Banff, Alberta from September 23-26. The theme for the Congress is A Global Call for Action: Implementing Psychosocial Oncology Research for Optimal Cancer Care.
As Visionary Sponsor, Bell Let’s Talk is supporting more than 800 international health care leaders, scientists and researchers from over 60 countries who will be gathering to share and learn how to help cancer patients and their families cope with the devastating emotional and mental health impact of the disease.
“We are very excited to have Bell Let’s Talk join us this year in support of our World Congress,” said Dr. Fiona Schulte, President and Co-Chair of the IPOS World Congress and President, Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO). “The impact of their support will resound globally with the community of leading oncologists who will be engaging with patients, care-givers and family members through their cancer journeys.”
Cancer is the second leading cause of death internationally. In 2018 alone, there were more than 18 million new cases, with just over a 50 per cent survival rate. Cancer impacts everyone – from patients, to friends, to loved ones.
The World Congress will bring together an international community of health care leaders, scientists and researchers who will take their knowledge back to improve patient and family care. This forum encourages new global partnerships and allows for the dissemination of ground-breaking research to professionals and the general public about psycho-oncology that will transform the cancer experience and improve the quality of life for millions of people globally.
Since 2010, the Bell Let’s Talk mental health initiative has been leading a conversation about the impact of mental illness and the stigma that surrounds it, while also funding programs focused on 4 mental health action pillars: anti-stigma, care and access, new research and workplace leadership. To learn more, please visit
For more information on the World Congress, please visit:
Overall Goal: To train attendees on best-practices around communication in African oncology settings
IPOS has developed, in close partnership with our colleagues in Africa and in collaboration with AORTIC, an Academy on the theme of Optimizing Communication in African Oncology Settings. The goal of this Academy is to train attendees on evidence-based practices around communication to reduce suffering and social stigma as main barriers to early detection and treatment of cancer in African oncology settings. The Academy will use a combination of didactic seminars and roundtable discussions, in which participants will be encouraged to discuss knowledge translation as it relates to public policy, research, clinical, and training, as well as outline needs for collaboration in these areas (see preliminary program below).
Scholarships will be provided to key health care professionals working in direct contact with cancer patients in Africa, to attend the 2019 IPOS Academy in Maputo, Mozambique. The number of scholarships will depend on funding. Scholarships will cover costs of training, flight, hotel, and meals up to a certain amount. Kindly complete the scholarship application, which will be peer-reviewed.
Our Organization:
IPOS is the sole multidisciplinary international charitable organization devoted to psycho-oncology, leading in education, research, training, public policy, and advocacy. In 2014, IPOS celebrated its 30th anniversary and began a partnership with the World Health Organization. Part of our mandate is to build capacity for cancer care in low- and low-middle income countries including in Africa. IPOS includes 75+ member countries from 6 continents.
Full eligibility criteria for the Travel Scholarship application (please note that all criteria must be met):
Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the application is complete. Incomplete applications or handwritten applications will be automatically withdrawn from the contest without notice. Applications will only be accepted if they are received at your earliest convenience before June 28, 2019 to the following email address: [email protected]. Applications must include the fully completed Application Form including the checklist and a five-page Curriculum Vitae for the applicant.
Note: Please send any questions you may have about this call for applications to the following email address: [email protected]. IPOS will only be able to answer any questions related to this call for applications from June 3, 2018 to June 14, 2019, after which IPOS will no longer be able to answer. After the June 28, 2019 deadline, the only correspondence the applicants will receive is the result of the competition. Participants should anticipate receiving the results by the first week of August. If you have not received a response, please check the IPOS website to know if there has been a delay in the processing of the applications. If you have not received a letter of offer by the first week of August, unless otherwise indicated on the IPOS website, it means that you were not selected for the scholarship.
When saving your complete application, please save it with your country and complete name including your last name and surname separated by underscore. For example: Nigeria_Henry_Ann. Please email your Scholarship Application Form completed via computer or typewriter, including the check list below, and a current copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English no later than June 28, 2019 to the following email: [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS WITHOUT A 5-PAGE CV WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
All applications must include a fully completed and signed Applicant Waiver Form. Incomplete waiver forms will result in your applicant being rejected.
IPOS Academy – Maputo, Mozambique
IPOS holds non-state actor status with the World Health Organization (WHO)
Theme: Optimizing Doctor-Patient Communication in African Oncology Settings
Overall Goal: Train attendees on evidence-based practices around communication to reduce suffering and social stigma as main barriers to early detection and treatment of cancer in African oncology settings.
Methods: The Academy will use a combination of didactic seminars and roundtable discussions, in which participants will be encouraged to discuss knowledge translation of communication skills as it relates to public policy, research, clinical, and training, as well as outline needs for collaboration in these areas.
Day 1:
Opening Comments from Co-Chairs Dr. Melissa Henry and Dr. Chioma Asuzu and distinguished representatives
Importance of communication and screening for distress
Barriers around communicating bad news to patients and families in African oncology settings: Results of a World Café and pan-African survey indicating similarities with barriers to prevention and the need for concerted strategic planning (Dr. Melissa Henry, Montreal, Canada; Dr. David Lounsbury, New York, USA)
Morning Break
A family-systems approach to communication and how to communicate with children in an age-appropriate way (Dr. Chioma Asuzu, Nigeria; Dr. Luzia Travado, Lisbon, Portugal)
The importance of family-centered communication in the context of African medical oncology practice: A palliative care physician’s perspective (Dr. Christian Ntizimira, Kigali, Rwanda)
Evidenced-based strategies to address beliefs/stigma: A literature review and model
Round table discussion – World Café discussion on addressing knowledge, beliefs, and stigma to reduce delayed presentation and treatment onset in Africa. Goal: Initiate a discussion on structural and public health changes required in Africa and the role of IPOS and Association of Psycho-Oncology in Africa (APOA) (Drs. Scott and Sharon Nichols, California, USA; Phillip Odiyo, Kenya; Dr. Chioma Asuzu, Nigeria; Dr. Melissa Henry, Canada).
Closing remarks for Day 1
Day 2: Doctor-Patient Communication Skills Training Day – featuring Dr. Patricia Parker and Dr. Smita Banerjee, Communication Skills Training and Research Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York; and Dr. Luzia Travado, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, Portugal
Effective communication is essential for the optimal delivery of healthcare services. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has developed an evidence-based, robust program in communication skills training with a mission “to work in partnership with clinicians of all disciplines to improve communication with cancer patients and their families, and thus enhance overall adaptation to the illness.” The overall objective of the Communication Skills Training and Research Laboratory is to develop, evaluate and disseminate communication skills interventions (The Comskil Training Program) for health care professionals and patients to communicate more effectively. The Comskil Training Program provides a unique training opportunity with a dedicated staff of communication skills facilitators, standardized patient actors, and customized laboratory space including training rooms equipped with video recording and playback equipment. Training modules have been developed to address high priority communication challenges in the oncology setting such as Shared Decision Making, Introducing Palliative Care, and Discussing End-of-Life Goals of Care. The training program relies on a multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of communication skills training, with more than 90 trained facilitators at the institution. The Comskil Training Program is taught to oncology attending physicians, fellows, residents, nurses and nurse practitioners. Since the inception of the Comskil training program in 2005, more than 4,000 oncology health care providers have participated in this program.
Opening Comments from Co-Chairs Dr. Melissa Henry and Dr. Chioma Asuzu
Introduction to the Comskil Conceptual Model
Shared Decision Making (SDM) Didactic
SDM Fishbowl/Role Play
Responding to Patient Anger Didactic
Responding to Patient Anger Fishbowl/Role Play
Discussing Death, Dying and End of Life Goals of Care Didactic – In Africa 80% of cancers are diagnosed in advanced stage
Discussing Death, Dying and End of Life Goals of Care Fishbowl/Role Play
Debrief and Discussion.
Closing remarks for Day 2 (speaker)
We upgraded our website & members area. More info for members:
The first IPOS Academy in Armenia!
Considerable progress has been made in the field of palliative care (PC) in Armenia in the last eight years. However, a number of problems remain unresolved. Policy work has included the implementation of national needs assessment and the approval of the National Concept on PC. PC has been included in the list of specialized medical aid and services, national standards have been introduced and the social assistance package has been approved. In addition, the Government of Armenia has approved the National Strategy on Palliative Care for Adults and the 2017-2019 Action Plan. Extensive efforts have been carried out to make pain medication available. In November 2017, the government removed the difficult procedures hindering access to opioid pain medications and new regulations in pain management were approved.
With new regulations, new approaches are needed in practice. To address this need, the Armenian Psycho-Oncology Association, with the support of Open Society Foundations-Armenia, is organizing the two-day interdisciplinary conference “Pain Management In Palliative Care: Applying Sector Reforms in Armenia” on June 7-8, 2019.
The conference will aim to enhance awareness and capacity in pain management among medical and psychosocial staff, civil society organizations, government representatives and the general public. The conference program will place great emphasis on mental health and its role in the process of pain management. For the first time in Armenia, the method of the Motivational Interviewing will be presented during the conference in the framework of a full-day workshop provided by Dr. Rachel Green (Vice-President, AFDEM (l'Association francophone de la diffusion de l'entretien motivationnel)) and Dr. Melissa Henry (Assistant Professor, McGill University, Director, Psychosocial Oncology Research Group Jewish General Hospital.).
The conference is organized with the co-sponsorship of the International Psycho-Oncology Society and Worldwide Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance and holds the status of the first IPOS Academy in Armenia.
For more information please visit
The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice (JPORP) became the official journal of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) earlier this year. Published by Wolters Kluwer, this open access journal focuses on the growing body of research in the field of psychosocial oncology. The journal will be publishing articles reporting on clinical research examining psychosocial and behavioral interventions in oncology settings, research on the implementation of psychosocial and behavioral interventions in routine clinical practice and their impact on outcomes, with a focus on global psycho-oncology.
The strength of the health workers in psychosocial management of cancer
Access by going to
Psychosocial support is of great importance in the diagnosis, treatment and ease the difficult follow-up processes of cancer patients. However, it is not easy to form a well-structured psychosocial support study for this group of diseases and in different age, gender and sociocultural groups. A psychosocial support that is close to perfection is only possible with the participation of all health workers in the context of volunteering and the correct management and appreciation of their wishes and efforts.
The health care professional who volunteers to give such support needs some academic and technical information. For example, one needs to be informed about changing communication patterns in different stages and processes of patients or psychosocial approaches that vary according to culture and similar belonging groups. Most importantly, the health care workers need to cope with the psychosocial strain of the patients while they have the necessary information and equipment to protect their mental health, such as compassion fatigue.
This booklet has been prepared with the aim of increasing the knowledge and equipment of the health care workers who are struggling with this difficult population and thus reducing their difficulties and being more supportive to their patients.
Not only the well-known, frequently repeated and quoted information included in the preparation of this booklet, but also the experience of the psychooncology association experts. Particularly Ozan Bahcivan’s international experiences who is one of the directors of International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), and health psychologist from Özel Oz Psikoloji Aile Danışma Merkezi (Oz Psychology Family Counselling Centre) in Izmir, and two valuable healthcare workers from the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Dr Başak Adaklı Aksoy, and Chemotherapy Nurse Nermin Albayrak's valuable experiences were also included.
IPOS is now accepting nominations from active members to be on the Board of Directors. Individuals with a current “Active” membership from across the globe are encouraged to submit nominations for the volunteer Board positions noted below. Individuals with an “Early Career” membership are encouraged to submit for the Early Career Director position.
The following positions are open for nomination:
Important items to note about the positions open for nomination:
Important Nomination and Election Timelines:
Helpful Links:
Completed nominations are to be sent to IPOS by email to [email protected] by May 15, 2019.
Nominations must include the following:
Vice President (President- Elect):
The Vice President is the President Elect. This position involves a six-year commitment to the IPOS Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years. To seek nomination for the office of Vice President the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.
This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee. IPOS employs a management company to handle everyday secretarial and compliance reporting. The Secretary also works with the management company to ensure records are maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements. To seek nomination for the office of Secretary the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.
Six Individual Directors:
Each position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors. Directors shall reflect an international and multidisciplinary composition and function as the governing body of the Society. The primary responsibility of the Directors shall be to establish the policies of the Society. The Directors shall also monitor the activities of the Society to ensure compliance with, and progress toward the achievement of, those policies. The IPOS Constitution allows the Board to work towards ensuring appropriate geographical representation.
One Early Career Director:
This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and can only be held by a Early Career member. The Early Career Director role is to ensure the interests of career professional’s interest are advanced. In the event that during their elected term, they transition to Active Member status, as per Article III Section 5 of this bylaw, they shall continue to complete the remainder of their elected term. No one member shall hold the position of Early Career Director for more than one term.
Questions/Comments? Please direct them to [email protected]
February 4, 2019 – Wolters Kluwer, Health announced today that the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice, the newest journal of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), will be published under the Lippincott portfolio.
The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice is an open access journal focused on the growing body of research in the field of psychosocial oncology. The journal publishes articles reporting on clinical research examining psychosocial and behavioral interventions in oncology settings, research on the implementation of psychosocial and behavioral interventions in routine clinical practice and their impact on outcomes.
“Building on the growing strength of research in the field of psycho-oncology internationally, this exciting, new, open-access journal aims to promote dissemination of the highest quality up-to-date research relevant to improving clinical practice in cancer care globally,” says Brian Kelly, Co-Editor-in-Chief. “This could be a game changer in accelerating the rate of dissemination and uptake of new and innovative psychosocial interventions relevant to a global audience,” adds Linda Carlson, Co-Editor-in-Chief.
The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice will include reports on pragmatic clinical trials, qualitative research, systematic reviews, survivorship research and care, psychosocial oncology research and practice in developing countries, innovative research methods and research into global and regional health disparities as they relate to psychosocial oncology care and services.
“The Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice is an essential resource for disseminating updated and multidisciplinary clinical practice and research in psycho-oncology,” said Maria Die Trill, IPOS President. “Easier access to clinical research publications through open-access papers will provide professionals in developing countries with a significant source of knowledge where accessing subscription-based journals is often difficult. Together with Wolters Kluwer, the journal´s experienced co-editors, and our international editorial board we will assure continued excellence.”
The journal is now open for manuscript submissions. For more information visit:
About the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS)
Founded in 1984, the IPOS was created to foster international multidisciplinary communication about clinical, educational and research issues that relate to the subspecialty of psycho-oncology and two primary psychosocial dimensions of cancer:
With members in almost 100 countries worldwide, IPOS has established itself as an international voice for psychosocial oncology professionals. For more information about IPOS, find us online at and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @IPOSPsychoOncol.
About Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer is a global leader in professional information, software solutions, and services for the health, tax & accounting, finance, risk & compliance, and legal sectors. We help our customers make critical decisions every day by providing expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with specialized technology and services.
Wolters Kluwer, headquartered in the Netherlands, reported 2017 annual revenues of €4.4 billion. The company serves customers in over 180 countries, maintains operations in over 40 countries, and employs approximately 19,000 people worldwide.
Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global provider of trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions that engage clinicians, patients, researchers and students with advanced clinical decision support, learning and research and clinical intelligence. For more information about our solutions, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @WKHealth.
International Psycho-Oncology Society1 - 189 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite L296 New York, NY 10001
T: +1 416-968-0260 [email protected]
© 2025 International Psycho-Oncology Society
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