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Call for IPOS Board Nominations for the 2019 – 2021 Term

18 Mar 2019 2:35 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

IPOS is now accepting nominations from active members to be on the Board of Directors. Individuals with a current “Active” membership from across the globe are encouraged to submit nominations for the volunteer Board positions noted below. Individuals with an “Early Career” membership are encouraged to submit for the Early Career Director position.

The following positions are open for nomination:

  1. One Vice President position
  2. One Secretary position
  3. One Treasurer position
  4. Seven individual Director positions:
  • One or more Directors from the targeted regions of India, Russia and Africa.
  • One or more Directors from Asia/Pacific.
  • One or more Directors from North America.
  • One or more Directors from Europe.
  • One or more Directors from Latin America.
  • One Early Career Director.

Important items to note about the positions open for nomination:

  • To seek nomination for the office of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the IPOS Board of Directors.
  • For individuals considering submitting for Vice President, please note the succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice-President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years.
  • A Director can serve in the role of Secretary or Treasurer for a maximum of two terms after which they must be elected to the role of Vice President to remain on the Board.
  • For the Early Career Position, individuals can only hold this position for one term of two years. For those submitting a nomination for this position, the individual must have an “Early Career” type of membership with IPOS.

Important Nomination and Election Timelines:

  • Release of call for nominations: March 18, 2019
  • Nomination Deadline – May 15, 2019
  • Ballots to be issued to all voting members – June 17, 2019
  • Voting Closes – August 15, 2019

Helpful Links:

Completed nominations are to be sent to IPOS by email to [email protected] by May 15, 2019.

Nominations must include the following:

  1. For the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or six Director positions: One completed nomination form & nominator form from an IPOS member that holds an “ACTIVE membership” type. Note, nominator forms from Associate, Early Career Members or Members-in-Training are not acceptable for these positions.
  2. For the Early Career Director position: One completed nomination form from an IPOS member that holds an “EARLY CAREER membership” are acceptable. One completed nominator form an IPOS member that holds an “ACTIVE membership” type.
  3. In a single document (Word file please) your Election Candidate Summary (to be used in the election packaged shared with voting members). This summary should include the following:
  • Name and suffix, credentials, current employment position, employer name, city, prov/state, country.
  • Point form highlights of your experience with IPOS.
  • Current picture.
  • Current Biography - brief 100 to 200 words maximum.
  • Candidate Statement - outline of why you want to serve on the IPOS board and your election platform. 100 to 300 words maximum.


Vice President (President- Elect):

The Vice President is the President Elect. This position involves a six-year commitment to the IPOS Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years. To seek nomination for the office of Vice President the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.


This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee. IPOS employs a management company to handle everyday secretarial and compliance reporting. The Secretary also works with the management company to ensure records are maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements. To seek nomination for the office of Secretary the member must have  served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.

Six Individual Directors:

Each position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors. Directors shall reflect an international and multidisciplinary composition and function as the governing body of the Society. The primary responsibility of the Directors shall be to establish the policies of the Society. The Directors shall also monitor the activities of the Society to ensure compliance with, and progress toward the achievement of, those policies. The IPOS Constitution allows the Board to work towards ensuring appropriate geographical representation.

One Early Career Director:

This position is for a two-year term on the Board of Directors and can only be held by a Early Career member. The Early Career Director role is to ensure the interests of career professional’s interest are advanced. In the event that during their elected term, they transition to Active Member status, as per Article III Section 5 of this bylaw, they shall continue to complete the remainder of their elected term. No one member shall hold the position of Early Career Director for more than one term.


  1. The primary language IPOS operates in is English.
  2. The Board of Directors meet at a minimum every six months with all Directors expected to participate. Meeting are held via Google hangouts, with at least one meeting being in person. IPOS does not reimburse costs for attending or participating in meetings.
  3. The Executive Committee meets as the need arises via Google hangouts.
  4. Both the Board of Directors and Executive Committee are expected to closely monitor the activities of the Society and provide support as needed.
  5. Elected individuals will strongly be encouraged to attend in person a Board meeting in conjunction with the 2019 World Congress in Banff.
  6. All Board of Directors and Executive Committee members are expected to volunteer on a minimum of one IPOS committee (https://www.ipos-society.org/about/sigs)
  7. Familiarity with the Society’s Constitution and Organization Structure is required: https://www.ipos-society.org/about/organization
  8. The IPOS Board is considered a “working” Board, which requires directors to take on responsibilities beyond board meetings. This may include, but not limited to, supporting committee initiatives, working on agreed upon special projects, special initiatives and outreach to other organizations to further the IPOS mandate.

Questions/Comments? Please direct them to [email protected]

International Psycho-Oncology Society
1 - 189 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite L296
New York, NY 10001

T: +1 416-968-0260
[email protected]

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