• 12 Jan 2023 12:07 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist for patients with health diseases. I hold a master's degree in Psycho-oncology. I am a Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Lima (Lima, Peru). I have experience working with cancer patients in public services. Furthermore, I am a researcher at the Unit for Analysis and Generation of Evidence in Public Health at the National Institute of Health in Peru, developing evidence-based guidelines for anxiety and depression in cancer patients and other diseases. I received training for Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for advanced cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. I am a Member of the Peruvian Association of Psycho-Oncology. Likewise, I belong also to the Peruvian Society of Rorschach and Projective Methods and the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods. I am a member of FIPOL (Latin American Oncologic Psychosocial Oncology Research Training).

    Interested in being profiled?

    Please email the following to [email protected] with the subject line “IPOS member profile submission”:

    1. Name
    2. Employment position
    3. Employer/Institution
    4. Country
    5. Twitter handle (if available)
    6. Jpg photo of yourself
    7. 50-to-200-word description that notes details on your practice, involvement with IPOS and something “fun or interesting” about yourself.

  • 7 Jan 2023 1:54 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Dr. Franco S. García Cervera was born in Santa Fe, Argentina and is a graduated from Universidad Nacional de Rosario, were he obtained his Medical Degree before moving to Buenos Aires to become a Psychiatrist at Hospital Itanialo de Buenos Aires and a specialist in Palliative Care. He got a Master in Psychoneuropharmacology at Universidad Favaloro.

    Since 2019, is the President of the Chapter of Psycho Oncology at the Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatria (Apsa). 

    Also, an active member of the Asociación de Medicina y Cuidados Paliativos (AAMyCP).

    Today, he works at the Instituto de Oncologia del Sanatorio San Geronimo, Argentina and is a Professor at the Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF).

    Interested in being profiled?

    Please email the following to [email protected] with the subject line “IPOS member profile submission”:

    1. Name
    2. Employment position
    3. Employer/Institution
    4. Country
    5. Twitter handle (if available)
    6. Jpg photo of yourself
    7. 50-to-200-word description that notes details on your practice, involvement with IPOS and something “fun or interesting” about yourself.
  • 23 Dec 2022 2:03 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 10 to 11 a.m. EST (click here for time conversion)

    Age is no longer a determinant for treatment in the older cancer patient. The evaluation of frailty and the uncovering of geriatric syndromes are of paramount importance when working with this population. This webinar will focus on the evaluation of the older adult with cancer, how geriatric assessment results should be incorporated into treatment-related decisions and how frailty evaluation influences treatment outcomes.


    Moderated by the co-chairs of the Cancer and Aging: Reflection for Elders (CARE) IPOS Special Interest Group:

    • Tania Estape (Co-Chair 2021 – 2023) – Spain
    • Patricia Parker (Co-Chair 2021 – 2023) – USA


    • Free to current IPOS members
    • $10 USD for non-members

    Register online by going to https://ipos-society.org/event-5084980

  • 20 Dec 2022 2:06 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Dr. Val Bellman was born in Moscow, Russia and is a graduate of Sechenov University (Moscow, Russia) where he obtained his medical degree before moving to the United States. He subsequently earned an MPH and a doctorate in psychology from CSU, School of Behavioral Sciences in Los Angeles, CA. He is currently doing his psychiatry residency at the University of Missouri Kansas City and planning to specialize in psycho-oncology and palliative psychiatry. 

    Interested in being profiled?

    Please email the following to [email protected] with the subject line “IPOS member profile submission”:

    1. Name
    2. Employment position
    3. Employer/Institution
    4. Country
    5. Twitter handle (if available)
    6. Jpg photo of yourself
    7. 50-to-200-word description that notes details on your practice, involvement with IPOS and something “fun or interesting” about yourself.

  • 7 Dec 2022 8:47 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Fear of cancer progression and recurrence in those living longer with cancer


    Date January 12, 2023


    Time 9 a.m. GMT (convert to your time zone) 

    Duration 60 minutes 


    Evie Kolsteren Radboudumc, Netherlands
    Melanie Schellekens Helen Dowling Institute, Netherlands
    Leah Curran The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, Australia

    Lauren Heathcote King’s College London, UK

    The FORwards Webinar Series aims to bring together the international community of researchers and clinicians interested in fear of cancer recurrence and progression, to provide cutting-edge updates on brand-spanking new research, and to spark conversations and collaborative projects across the globe.

    This webinar will be of interest to both clinicians and researchers who want to better understand and manage FCR and FoP in people living with cancer and their loved ones.

    Attendance is free, but registration is required 


    Register Now

  • 11 Nov 2022 10:33 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Application for admissions to September 2023 intake of the HKU Master of Public Health (MPH) programme is now open.

    The MPH is a flagship programme offered by the School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. Through this programme, students from diverse backgrounds and experiences acquired the specialized knowledge and competencies needed to become effective public health practitioners and leaders.

    Mode of Study
    Full-time: 1-year
    Part-time: 2-years (for local students only)

    Programme Structure
    Candidates are required to complete the following, 69 credits in total:

    ·       14 taught courses (42 credits) - core, concentration and electives

    ·       Practicum (12 credits) - Real-world practical experience to demonstrate application of public health concepts and skills

    ·       Capstone (15 credits) - Integrative culminating experience to synthesize and apply public health skills and competencies

    CEPH Accreditation
    HKU MPH is the first in the region and the only academic programme in Hong Kong fully accredited by the USA’s Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the longest standing accrediting body of public health schools and programmes in the world. A CEPH-accredited MPH qualification leads to eligibility to sit for the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam and obtain the CPH credential. Both the CPH exam and certification are administered by the USA’s National Board of Public Health Examiners.

    Master of Public Health Entrance Scholarship for Psycho-Oncologists
    In 2021, the Board of Studies of Master of Public Health (MPH) established an Entrance Scholarship for psycho-oncologists to pursue public health studies with the aim of optimizing cancer care, especially psycho-social cancer care provisions.

    One scholarship equivalent to the composition fee (i.e. HK$200,000/~US$25,500* in 2023/24), shall be awarded to a psycho-oncologist pursuing the full-time or part-time MPH programme, on the basis of academic merit, contribution to community service and financial need. Candidates shall demonstrate a track record of accomplishments in the psycho-oncology field through membership in or affiliation with reputable professional bodies (i.e. the IPOS).

    Interested parties please contact the MPH programme office at [email protected]

    *Subject to University's approval

    Information Session 
    You are cordially invited to join our information session to learn more about the MPH curriculum, admission, career prospects, accreditation, financial aids and key aspects of student life:

    Date:  16 November 2022 (Wed)
    Time:  7pm - 8pm (HKT)
    Mode: Zoom Webinar

    Tel: (852) 3917 9140
    [email protected]
  • 7 Nov 2022 1:14 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    UTC (GMT) Friday, 9 December 2022, 17:00:00 (12 p.m. ET)

    Duration:  Approximately 60 minutes

    Panel discussion: Implementing self-management support

    The Survivorship Special Interest Group (SIG) of IPOS organized this webinar. It aims to discuss challenges and facilitators to implementing self-management support (SMS) with examples and comments from a panel of international experts. The webinar aims to bring together the international community of researchers and clinicians interested in self-management support for people affected by cancer to encourage discussion and collaboration across the globe.


    • To provide examples of interventions to support self-management and key principles that underpin these.
    • To discuss the barriers and facilitators to implementing self-management support in cancer care across the globe.
    • To discuss perspectives from LMIC regarding adaptation of self-management support to enable underserved populations challenges and needs.


    • Savita Goswami (India), Chair of the IPOS Survivorship SIG Education Committee.
    • Tania Estape (Spain), Member of IPOS Survivorship SIG Education Committee and IPOS Board member.


    Chair of Panel:

    Prof Claire Foster, Professor of Psychosocial Oncology and Director of Centre for Psychosocial Research in Cancer: CentRIC, Health Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.

    Dr. Doris Howell, RN, PhD, FAAN. Emeritus Scientist, Princess Margaret Research Institute and Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto, and Program Director, Cancer Coaching, York University, ON Canada.

    Bogda Koczwara AM BM BS FRACP MBioethics FAICD, Senior Staff Specialist, Department of Medical Oncology, Flinders Medical Centre, Professor, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Flinders University, Cancer Council SA Clinical Investigator, Adelaide, Australia

    Chioma C Asuzu, PhD. Prof of clinical psychology and psycho- oncology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. She is the Foundation President of the Psycho-oncology Society of Nigeria (POSON), Association for Psycho-Oncology in Africa (APOA) and executive member of the International Psycho-oncology Society (IPOS).


    • Free to current IPOS members
    • $10 USD for non-members

    Register online by going to https://ipos-society.org/event-5034318

  • 6 Sep 2022 9:55 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    UTC (GMT) Tuesday, 4 October 2022, 09:30 a.m. EDT 

    Duration:  90 minutes

    Trauma-Informed Palliative Care in Times of Humanitarian Crisis: Lessons from Ukraine and Rwanda

    The Palliative Care (SIG) of IPOS is organizing this webinar.

    Humanitarian crises are large scale events that affect populations or societies causing a variety of difficult and distressing consequences that may include massive loss of life, disruption of livelihoods, breakdown of society, forced displacement, and other severe political, economic, social, psychological and spiritual effects (WHO, 2018). Palliative care, with its focus on reducing physical, emotional and spiritual suffering, has an important role in caring for the sick, displaced and dying during times of humanitarian crises.

    For this special webinar, the IPOS’s Palliative Care Special Interest Group Education Committee invites IPOS members and non-members to attend a presentation and roundtable discussion on the role of Trauma-Informed Palliative Care during times of humanitarian crisis.

    In this webinar, experts will discuss the role of palliative care within humanitarian crises and use examples from the current crisis in the Ukraine and past crises in Rwanda, to illustrate the ways in which a trauma-informed approach may benefit traumatized individuals, families, communities and palliative care providers alike.


    Dr. Megan Doherty a specialist in pediatric palliative care at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Roger Neilson House (pediatric hospice) in Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Doherty has experience in the development of palliative care programs for children in humanitarian crises and other resource limited settings, while leading the Children's Palliative Care Initiative in Bangladesh and the Pediatric Palliative Care Program of Two Worlds Cancer Collaboration in Hyderabad, India, as well as in her role as a telemedicine consultant for Médecins Sans Frontières. She has worked on the development of palliative care programs for children in humanitarian crises situations, focusing on capacity building and training for health care workers and innovative models of community-based palliative care programs.

    Dr. Oleksandr Wolf has been the Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Palliative and Hospice Care since 2010. Since then, this NGO has initiated over 30 projects directed at development of systems of multidisciplinary support for those with serious diseases and their relatives in Ukraine. Dr. Wolf has a Master degree and Doctoral degree in Social Work, and he is a social worker in the Central National Children and Mother Healthcare Center in Kyiv, Ukraine. He is also a Fellow in the Palliative and Hospice Medicine Department at the National University of Health of Ukraine. His professional interests are in patients' capacity building and empowerment in the face of trauma.

    Dr. Sonya de Laat's research interests include (1) the moral and practical dimensions of humanitarian healthcare and (2) visual cultures of humanitarian aid, global health, and international development. Currently working as the academic advisor and curriculum coordinator in the Global Health graduate program at McMaster University. Canada, Dr. de Laat is an active member of the Humanitarian Health Ethics Research Group (HHE) based at McMaster and McGill universities, and the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History (CNHH), housed at Carleton University. Recent publications include "The camera and the Red Cross: 'Lamentable pictures and conflict photography bring into focus an international movement. 1855-1865 (2021) and "A case analysis or partnered research on palliative care to refugees in Jordan and Rwanda" (2021). A recent recipient of the Caroline Miles Visiting Scholarship at Oxford University, Dr. de Laat is focusing on work that builds on the "Aid when there is 'nothing left to offer project. Specifically, she looks forward to discussing snapshots (literal and figurative) of a refugee-led initiative aimed at reducing severe health-related suffering in one refugee camp in Rwanda.

    Dr. Jessi Humphreys is a palliative care physician and Co-Directs GPEC (Global Palliative Education Collaborative) at UCSF, a global palliative care fellowship shared between multiple US-based and global sites. She has worked in many areas of intersection requiring a trauma informed care approach to clinical care including in transgender health, asylum clinical advocacy work, and palliative medicine in under resourced areas. She has done clinical and educational palliative medicine work in the US-prison system, Kenya, Uganda and IHS (Indian Health Services). She has interests in education, mentorship, narrative medicine, and in provider wellbeing and resilience.


    Dr. Dwain Fehon is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine in the US. He is the Deputy Director for Psychology Training within Yale’s Department of Psychiatry and Director of Behavioral Medicine for Yale New Haven Hospital. Clinically, Dr. Fehon is a member of the Yale Cancer Center’s palliative care team where he provides outpatient psychological services to adults with advanced stage cancers. He is the Education Committee Chair for IPOS’s Palliative Care Special Interest Group.

    Dr. Janet de Groot is an academic psychiatrist with Tom Baker Cancer Centre Psychosocial Resources department and Cumming School of Medicine. She holds grants for a clinical intervention for persons with advanced cancer and their close others, as well as for simulations to promote decolonizing medical education in relation to Indigenous health. Her work in education has been honored with local and national awards, including the 2008 Canadian Psychiatric Associations Continuing Medical Education award and the 2014 Association of Faculties Medicine of Canada - May Cohen Award for Equity, Diversity and Gender.


    • Free to current IPOS members
    • $10 USD for non-members

    Register online by going to https://ipos-society.org/event-4928965

  • 9 Aug 2022 9:13 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Managing Side and Late Effects in Cancer
    September 10th, 9 am – 4 pm EST
    6 hours CE available
    Treat the whole person with this workshop focusing on evidence-based interventions to address the consequences of cancer treatment.

    This introductory session will review the empirical literature on the most common side and late effects in adult cancer survivorship, discuss the biopsychosocial nature of the perpetuation of these symptoms, and introduce learners to evidence-based psychological and behavioral interventions to manage these symptoms more effectively.

    Click here to learn more or to sign up today

    IPOS members get 10% off. Members can email [email protected] for the discount code.

    Grounded Behavioral Health is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Grounded Behavioral Health maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

International Psycho-Oncology Society
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