Dear members
A few months have passed since the last issue, and we are very excited to be presenting the next one. We would especially like to highlight three main topics that are very relevant for the present (and hopefully the future) of psycho-oncology and for IPOS too.
FIRST: In the Up to Date, section we have summarized a few interesting studies about the role of socio-economic variables in cancer care. The society’s official journal Psycho-oncology will publish a Special Issue in the Autumn/Fall of 2016 on Equality and Diversity issues, including socio-economic factors impacting cancer care . The SI Guest Editors Dr Iain Lawrie and Dr Laura Ashley, of the British Psychosocial Oncology Society, have compiled an interesting set of papers selected from the 47 submitted. These will be disseminated widely – look out for this Special Issue later this year.
SECOND: In the Let’s Talk section, we have decided to stress the need for an effective African network in psycho-oncology care. We assume such a network is nowadays missing, and we hope the forthcoming launch of the new African psycho-oncology society will support this mission. In the next few issues, we would like to focus on “state of the art” of psycho-oncology across different regions of the world. Tell us what is happening in your region and help us in developing the next issue!
THIRD: As we anticipated in the previous issue of the IQ-News, we are launching a survey devoted to collecting information about needs and feedback from all our IPOS members. In the Stay Connected section, you can find the link to the survey and the basic instructions. Your input can help IPOS to support you! Therefore, we hope many members will complete the survey.
Simone Cheli
Contract Professor, School of Human Health Sciences at the University of Florence Chief of Research, Psycho-Oncology Unit, Oncological Department of Florence, Italy
Clare Manicom
Oncology Social Work Supervisor, GVI Oncology, Cape Town, South Africa
######The newsletter includes 5 sections:
- Up to Date: scientific news such as updates and alerts about books, papers, guidelines that may refer both to the specific psycho-oncological field and to advances and trends that may help psycho-oncologists.
- Let’s talk: in each issue we plan an interview with an expert in psycho-oncology about recently published papers and/or about specific best practice or tool.
- Stay connected: alerts with institutional news about IPOS activities and services such as congresses, awards, calls, etc.
- IPOS4You: professional news about job alerts in psycho-oncology, call for projects, research opportunities, courses and so on.
- IPOS4All: comprehensive cancer information, in a popular scientific manner, that may help people living with cancer.

June 2016 Issue
Up to Date
• Socio-Economic Status (SES) and Cancer Care
• Recently Published Guidelines
• The Healthy Role of our Lifestyle
Let’s talk
• Establishing psycho-oncology care in Africa
Stay connected
• IQ-News Survey on IPOS Members’ Needs
• Bultz named Daniel Family Leadership Chair in Psychosocial Oncology
• IPOS Treasurer Dr. Anja Mehnert Awarded
• New award instituted
• Completed conferences
• Grants and funding available
• Training courses
• Trends and Advances in Cancer Care
• Facing Life and Facing Death
• The Destiny of the War against Cancer
• Is homeopathy something more than placebo?