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The Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC) Scale was designed to provide a method of assessing specific responses to cancer. The aim was to develop a self rating questionnaire acceptable to cancer patients, which could be administered easily during busy oncology clinics. The MAC Scale does not attempt to measure every possible coping response; a detailed exposition of a more complex rating method has been described elsewhere. (Morris et. al,1985). Instead, the questionnaire is confined to specific responses identified in our previous studies (Pettingale, 1985; Watson et al, 1984). Dimensions measured using the MAC Scale are; 'fighting spirit', 'helpless/hopeless' 'anxious preoccupation', 'fatalism' and 'avoidance'. The MAC Scale was developed to assess the extent to which patients adopt these responses in their adjustment to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
The MAC Scale is available for ordering online (at no charge) in the following 33 languages:
The MAC Scale Users Manual is available in English, Georgian, Croatian and Romanian only and can be ordered online for $70 US.
Please click "Register" to proceed to order your free scale and/or Users Manual ($70). Credit card payment will be required only if ordering the Users Manual.
International Psycho-Oncology Society1 - 189 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite L296 New York, NY 10001
T: +1 416-968-0260 [email protected]
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