Ozan Bahcivan (Turkey), a previous IPOS Early Career Director, was an invited speaker to the "3rd Regional Educational Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients for Eastern Europe and Balkan Region" in Serbia between 29-30 November 2019. A specific session for psycho-oncology was included for the first time at such an international regional educational meeting in Eastern Europe. Representing IPOS, Ozan was fortunate enough to introduce psycho-oncology to medical professionals. In this matter, IPOS made history!
It was a joint meeting with support from ESMO, ESGO, MASCC and of course IPOS successfully included. Below are several photos taken at the meeting.
IPOS would like to thank Ozan Bahcivan for attending! We would also like to thank Snezana M Bosnjak, Matti Aapro and Dragana Jovanovic.