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  • Call for IPOS Board Nominations for 2025 – 2027 Term

Call for IPOS Board Nominations for 2025 – 2027 Term

25 Mar 2025 11:35 AM | John Chagnon (Administrator)
  • IPOS is now accepting nominations from active members to be on the Board of Directors. Individuals with a current “Active” membership from across the globe are encouraged to submit nominations for the volunteer Board positions noted below. Individuals with an “Early Career” membership are encouraged to submit for the Early Career Director position.

    The following positions are open for nomination:

    1. One Vice President position
    2. One Secretary position
    3. One Treasurer position
    4. Seven individual Director positions:

  • REGION 1: One or more Directors the targeted regions of Africa, Middle East, India or Russia.
  • REGION 2: One or more Directors from Asia/Pacific.
  • REGION 3: One or more Directors from Canada and the USA.
  • REGION 4: One or more Directors from Europe/UK.
  • REGION 5: One or more Directors from Latin and Central America.
  • One Early Career Director.

Important items to note about the positions open for nomination:

  • To seek nomination for the office of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the member must have served, at some point in time, a minimum of one term on IPOS the Board of Directors.
  • For individuals concerning submitting for Vice President, please note the succession pattern shall be such that an individual so elected shall serve one term as Vice-President, one term as President and one term as Past President, for a total of six successive years.
  • A Director can serve in the role of Secretary or Treasurer for a maximum of two terms after which they must be elected to the role of Vice President to remain on the Board.
  • The Early Career Position, individuals can only hold this position for one term of two years. Above submitting a nomination for this position, the individual must have an “Early Career” type of membership with IPOS.

Important Nomination and Election Timelines:

  • Release of call for nominations: April 2, 2025
  • Nomination Deadline – June 2, 2025. Please submit online by going to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IPOSBOARDNOM20252027. Please have the following ready PRIOR to submitting your nomination as you will have to provide:

o   Please provide the first and last name of the IPOS Active member NOMINATING you for the position noted above:
(please be sure the person has renewed/joined for 2025 and has provided you permission to list them as nominating you)

o   Please provide the email address of the IPOS Active member NOMINATING you for the position noted above:
(we will email the person to confirm they support your nomination)

o   Please provide, in point form highlights, details about your experience with IPOS here:
(please note this will be used in the election package once released)

o   Please past your current biography (brief 100 to 200 words maximum) here:
(please note this will be used in the election package once released)

o   Please provide your candidate statement - an outline of why you want to serve on the IPOS board and your election platform. 100 to 300 words maximum.
(please note this will be used in the election package once released)

o   The election package will include a photo of all nominees. Please confirm you will email your photo, in jpg format, to [email protected] within 48 hours of submitting your nomination.

  • Ballots to be issued to all voting members – June 19, 2025
  • Voting Closes – July 7, 2025

SUBMIT ONLINE BY JUNE 2 BY GOING TO https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IPOSBOARDNOM20252027

International Psycho-Oncology Society
1 - 189 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite L296
New York, NY 10001

T: +1 416-968-0260
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