Born in the Netherlands, working and living in Georgia (Europe) for 28 years where I was mainly active in humanitarian roles and where I had the unique opportunity to intensively work on healthcare policy as the first lady of the country (from 2004-2013). I focused mainly on mother and child health as well as infectious diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. After my MSc in Global Health Policy I made an exciting career move (study of psychology), which led me to psychological counseling for oncological patients, a satisfying and noble occupation, meeting adults of all regions, ages, backgrounds, beliefs and existential viewpoints. 2024 will be my very first IPOS conference, in my home country. I plan to work with IPOS on the specifics of LMIC countries, on palliative care and on health promotion and prevention.

Interested in being profiled?
Please email the following to [email protected] with the subject line “IPOS member profile submission”:
- Name
- Employment position
- Employer/Institution
- Country
- Twitter handle (if available)
- Jpg photo of yourself
- 50-to-200-word description that notes details on your practice, involvement with IPOS and something “fun or interesting” about yourself.