She is working as a Psycho oncologist in the oncology field from 2012 till now in many cancer centers in Egypt. She is working as a General Manager at Comprehensive Association for Psychological and social crisis therapy from 1/11/2020 till now that present psychological and Social services to patients and their families with cooperation with government cancer centers in Egypt. She founded an initiative called Hayat from 2022 till now to support cancer patients psychologically and socially, and has served more than 650 patients in one year with a population in need in government cancer centers in all over Egypt for free .In addition, it organized more than 120 workshops to teach more than 2400 psychologists and Social workers how to deal with cancer patients and their families within one year. She created an academic specialized in learning Psychologists and social workers to deal with cancer patients and their families as the first academic specialized in the cancer field.

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