XU Lei (family name is Xu), RN, PhD
Supervisor nurse, postdoctoral fellow at School of nursing, Fudan university (Shanghai, China)
My study experience:
- 2005-2010 China medical university, bachelor in nursing
- 2013-2018 China medical university, doctor in nursing
My work mainly focuses on research and teaching.
- Teaching courses: Nursing management, Oncology nursing, Nursing research
- Area of research: oncology nursing(breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancer), evidence-based nursing, realist methodology, qualitative study
Publications:(first author) 5 papers including 3 SCI papers
Research Projects (as PI): 5 projects including 1 provincial level project and 4 school level projects
Textbooks Editing: Modern Clinical Nursing, Clinical Nursing "Three basic" Training Questions Bank, Geriatric Nursing Training Course, Medical Care-giver Training Course,etc.
IPOS experience: Member since 2017. I attended 2018 and 2019 IPOS World Congresses. One was poster exhibition in 2018, Hong Kong and one was doing a oral presentation in 2019, Banff. Now I volunteer with two IPOS Special Interest Groups (SIG) – Education SIG of palliative care and Survivorship SIG.