Webinar Innovations in screening and assessment of fear of cancer recurrence and progression
Date March 12, 2021 (-1 day for those outside of Australia/NZ)
Time 8:30am AEDT (convert to your local time)
Duration 60 minutes
Ben Smith, PhD, University of New South Wales
Yasmin Youssef, PhD, University Medical Centre Leipzig
Daelin Coutts-Bain, University of Sydney
Louise Sharpe, PhD, University of Sydney
The FORwards Webinar Series aims to bring together the international community of researchers and clinicians interested in fear of cancer recurrence, to provide cutting-edge updates on brand-spanking new research, and to spark conversations and collaborative projects across the globe.
This webinar will be of interest to both clinicians and researchers who want to better understand and manage FCR in people living with cancer and their loved ones.
Attendance is free, but registration is required
Register online by going to https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ilEr5MwSR-O2PVzU3pebeQ